Thursday, November 22, 2018

National Museum Singapore

Attractions Management

About Me

Name : Faris Bin J Dimansah
Class  : TB01

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Image result for national museum of singaporeThe National Museum of Singapore was originally introduced as as a section of a library at Singapore Institution and was named the Raffles Library and Museum. It is the oldest museum in Singapore, founded in 1849. It became the National Museum of Singapore in 1887. It has a 19th century colonial look from the outside. The galleries in the museum showcase modern perspectives of Singapore's journey. The exhibitions are placed in such a way that the whole experience is an immersive voyage. The National Museum of Singapore is currently a cultural and architectural landmark.

The museum organizes unconventional activities and events throughout the year. One of the more popular events is the Singapore Night Festival, where the creative use of magnificent lights capture the attention of the festival attendees. The National Museum of Singapore is home to over 15,000 different publications which are related to cultural studies, design and the history of Singapore.


The museum has 11 permanent exhibitions and currently has 12 exhibitions, with the exhibition 'In An Instant' limited to the 31st of March 2019. The exhibitions all highlights different times during Singapore's journey to be where we are right now. The exhibitions are displays of detailed information on the specific times that the exhibition is meant to exhibit. It also includes pictures of the past, where influential people can be seen. There are also exhibitions that brilliantly uses Science to engage the visitors in a beautiful display. All the exhibitions except for the time-limited 'In An Instant' are currently free to Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents. The exhibition 'In An Instant' showcases the journey of cameras, with the first polaroid camera being introduced in the late 1940s to the current state of technology, where pictures can be captured and be seen in an instant. This exhibition is chargeable, even to Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents. It is however free to students.


As of 19th November 20128, the National Museum of Singapore has 4 different programmes that has already been planned and published for the consumers' information. The first programme, 'In An Instant' is currently available till 31st March 2019. The next available programme, 'A Lighter Side of History - Eurasian Christmas' will educate museum guests on Eurasion food. They will also be able to taste the different Eurasion dishes that will be prepared. It costs $15 per person to attend the programme. From this programme, attendees can see how Eurasian cooking has an influence on our local dishes.

The next available programme, 'Singapore Rhapsodies at National Museum' is available now and will be ending on the 31st of July 2019. It is where young musicians, students and music interest groups use a unique grand piano from the Red Steinway concert to showcase self-compositions or play Singapore songs. Different groups of invited musicians are scheduled to perform.

The final available programme, 'Family Fun at the National Museum', is available currently all the way till 29 December 2018. Quality time with famiy can be spent at the museum every last Saturday of the month. Family-oriented activities have been planned by the museum for the attendees of the programme to participate in. Different days will showcase different family themes. This programme aims to promote quality time with your loved ones in the museum.


Admission to the exhibitions at the museum are mostly free of charge for Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents. Other special programmes have different prices. There will however be a cheaper price for Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents. The average price per adult would be $20, It may differ base on the exhibitions visited. Some exhibitions are free to student and NSF! I really feel that the museum has put up resonable pricing.

Marketing & Promotions

National Museum of Singapore markets and promotes itself on a few platforms. Firstly, digital marketing, the museum uses social media as a platform to market itself. It uses Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to increase awareness. It also has frequent releases on newspapers. The museum is not short of their marketing efforts and it has reached the right platforms to attract their target market.

Personal Observations & Experience

Overall Appeal

Each attraction was certainly had its own unique appeal. They all represented the different stages of our country's magnificent journey to get to where we are right now. There are also exhibitions which showcases the life of a typical Singaporean growing up. It also has displays of how things were like in the past and a difference could clearly be seen between what's displayed and our current atmosphere. These attractions bring new perspectives to me and a new-found sense of gratitude was instilled in me.

Well Presented Features

Firstly, how everything was organised and the effects being set up by the museum was just spectacular. It allowed me to feel part of the display and I am sure that was the intended effect. I was certainly awed by that. There was also more than 5 vending machines in the area dispensing all kinds of snacks and drinks. On top of that, there are different restaurants for different kinds of experience. This was certainly something that caught my attention as i am one that pays attention to everything associated with food. Lastly, i felt that the staff at the museum enhanced my experience. From the security officers to the exhibists, they were so warm and never failed to give a smile.

Visitor Engagement

Some displays at exhibitions were geared with hearing gears. This is a brilliant idea as it allows the visitors to further understand the display and somewhat experience the event being displayed. Some displays have interactive buttons that allows visitors to understand the display further, with different effects to be played with the press of the buttons.

Image result for jurong drive in cinema
(Facebook page of National Museum Singapore)
There was also an area where they showcased the old Jurong Drive In Cinema. As seen in the picture, a life sized 'car' has been placed in the exhibition for the visitors to experience the nostalgic feeling of the drive in cinema. There is a screen in front for the visitors to watch. I went to the exhibition myself and i was amazed with the atmosphere of the room. It was almost like the drive in cinema that my grandmother always talks about! 

Personal Excitements/ Disappointments

Firstly, after walking around the whole museum, i am proud to call this museum the National Museum of Singapore. It wonderfully shows the history of our beloved country and also perfectly depicts the life of an average Singaporean. The museum was also very informative and anybody as curious and me could learn plenty from the museum! After that visit, i even brought some of my friends from other countries to the museum. They shared the same views with me. In fact, they told me that they were going to bring their families over to see the museum!

However, the lack of visitation really disappoints me. The museum is a reflection of our Singaporean culture. We as Singaporeans should be able to get behind that idea and support the museum. I feel like everybody has the standard mindset that museums are boring and too wordy and that leads to the lack of visitorship. I have also done a survey that includes 100 students. I was so disheartened when i saw that more than 60% of them has not been to the museum at their own leisure time. I think there is too much association between the word boring and museum. I assure you, the Naational Museum of Singapore is nowhere closr to boring.


Marketing & Outreach

Previously, before going to the museum, i did not see that much marketing efforts done by the museum. At first, i thought that it was the museum's lack of marketing. Pre-visit, i had no idea what the museum was even about. During the visit, i got to know that the museum actually had done their fair share of marketing and outreach programmes. After the visit, i went to do my own research and they had actually been doing sufficient marketing. It's just that i never got interested in the advertisments and normlly just overlook them. The museum has actually got on the right platforms to target youths, who are tech-savvy and spend alot of time on social media. Thier website is also very informative and has everything a visitor needs to know about the museum. They also have advertisments at busstops all around Singapore. These allows the daily commuers to see the advertisments and even get interested. 

Social Media

As mentioned above, social media is one of the ways the National Museum of Singapore markets itself. It is really appropriate, considering the target market they are focusing towards (youths, ageing 17-30). This move will surely increase awareness of their brand and their product. However, this does not mean that visitorship will increase immeadiately. Now that the museum has the right platform to increase their brand awareness, they need to make sure what they market will grab the attetion of their target market. An example would be showcasing a programme that will appeal to their target market. Below are the social media platforms that NSM uses to connect with their target market.

Screenshot of NSM Official Social Media Accounts 

Onsite at the Museum

The museum had many amenities andservices available. Prior to the visit, I was already expecting a high standard in terms of amenities, services and engagement as this was a museum representing our country. When i visited the museum myself, I was proved right, Everything was planned and organised beautifully. From the way the exhibitions are displayed to how clean the toilets were, i feel that my visit to the museum was not a let down at all. I was also able to snap some photos and get my family interested in visiting the museum! After the visit, it was only right of me as a Singaporean to give the museum a 5 star rating on tripadvisor, an intermediary.


All in all the museum really was a place i never thought i would enjoy. My first visit there has made me realise what i have been missing all this while. I would be a bad person not to introduce the museum to another person. The museum however is lacking awareness. With proper marketing tools and channels, I am confident that the National Museum of Singapore can be a thriving attraction.

National Museum Singapore

Attractions Management About Me Name : Faris Bin J Dimansah Class  : TB01 ‘By submitting this work, I am declaring that I ...